Can I increase past XMP?
How far into the game am I?
3.97 vs 4.0 GPA
Vivian Zenari - ENGL 255
Seamless coop too easy?
Interview prep - how much do normal people prep and any advice/words of wisdom?
Enough time to choose speciality
Really need some Interview miracle stories
Advice needed for someone with very little EC's
Can scoliosis progress as a young adult
Central Idea for ECs
Best Webcam
Does guelph support the premed track?
Insights on CENG 112
How bad is my prescription + Where to get frames
Want your opinion
Vent - KIRA didn’t go as planned
Tell me about issues in BC
How to stop saying umm in interviews
Can I finish a course early?
ENG 211 vs 212 vs 255
Is there anyone I can talk to, I’m struggling with low grades and need some help
ABS Entries Clarification
My scoliosis seems to be improving