What does change mean here? Do i have to pay money here?
Hello, i am going to take eng 1001 at tru (OL) and can anyone can describe their experience in this course?
Oh dear……
Can anyone tell me what is this
What’s going on with this banana
Give us your thoughts on the direction you think we should take our game! Also fill out the Google form if you can :)
What is the secret to shade like this?
How do you say Sus in your language?
Guys I drew it! How is it looks like?
I knew the pirates were tough but I didn't think they'd style on me this intensely.
Starfield delivers the true Bethesda experience
You Just Committed A Crime, Then you look up, Who would you rather see?
praise spez :3
How is this asmr(Heil Spez)
These double decker airplane seats
who's gonna tell them?
What's a video game that you loved that most people never heard of?
Not a bad idea(heil spez)
Why is this happening when I texture paint?
What. and Why?
Jackie Chan doesn't know who the Kardashians are 😂
This Kitty's Favorite Spot To Sleep
My (18m) friend (18f) kissed the girl (18f) I'm dating. Should I end things, or brush it off?