Construction boom in Borama city, Awdal
The 2025 budget increased by 11.3% since last year to $556.3 million
Estimated population by district (2019)
2019 population estimate for Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Hawd & Reserved Area
Why Somaliland is the crown jewel of the horn
Estimated demographics of DDS, Ethiopia (work in progress)
Counters against Anti-Somaliland arguments
Why do the darods want to join Somaliland now suddenly?
Somaliland population density
Population density
Final population distribution estimate in Somaliland
Hawd & Reserve state of Ethiopia, our soon to be brotherly neighbor InshaAllah
Biggest towns in the Somali Region of Ethiopia
Preliminary demographic estimate for the Somali Region of Ethiopia from spatial analysis
New population distribution estimate with biggest cities and towns
Self defense against Muslim transgressors in the Quran ﷽
2001 referendum numbers
Tonight in Somaliland:
High rank khastumo militia leader was neutralised
Will people wake up and realize we're at war
First day in office already big challenges ahead
Tuuloyinka iyo magaalooyinka Togdheer iyo Shiikh
Population distribution estimate with Qgis
Largest cities and towns size comparison
Simple statistical estimate suggests the total population to be between 4.6 and 5.3 milllon in 2024. Below are 95% confidence intervals for each region