My husband is a bad vacation drinker
Disable Incognito & deleting history on Mac?
Check Netflix
guilt for staying?
Is it normal I can’t orgasm?
PAs preferred s*x positions? (red flags)
Didn't think I'd ever post here like this
Other people's traumatic experiences don't lessen or discount your own suffering!!
Seeking non-religious recovery resources post first Dday.
Weekly Victories - April 19, 2024
LOVE this Insta post from Brandon Talks Marriage
Finally at peace
Marriage counseling?
Need a hug and some wisdom
It’s been 2 years since PA relationship.
The Betrayal Bind: Go Read It Now!
PSA Ladies. Check the mail today. The Victoria Secret mailer just arrived.
Stuck and don’t know what to do.
Ok yall this isn’t my usual kind of post on here but…
Easy to quit??
Pretending. Has anyone just done the “fake it until you make it” with your PA?
Can they be this deep in denial
People who judge "going through your partners phone" never experienced anything like this.
Here are the steps to disable Incognito Mode on a Mac