I’ve had to rewrite this multiple times because of the words I used, so I’m gonna try my best to get through this without cursing, using nasty words, or anything like that.
This bitch.
Bless the woman that rescued one of the cats
How to donate to Shaelynn
Holy shit guys.
After doing a ton of research I finally found out what illness drew has
If I get one more freaking video of people saying we making fun of children being homeless, let me say this for the slow people in the back
We can’t save a bitch who don’t want to be save
This dumbass ruined my entire damn week. She is so dumb. She just wants to be heard. Oh my gosh, I’m pissed because of this video.
Why is she smiling about being homeless??
New video up
I wish
One of these things is not like the other
Mods : why was this removed ??
Imagine having less than 24 hours to get out, and your man is just sitting there playing a damn video game. And you want us not to believe your mom, but believe you? He’s not even helping you take care of the baby while you pack. If he was at least doing that, fine—but he’s not doing a damn thing.
For my parents, they are not narcissistic
They’ve been going through the eviction process since Dec 11, and in that time they have come up with…U-Haul and a storage unit.
Andrew must be fucking Stephanie into the damn clouds with the way she’s defending that man and clinging to his side like her life depends on it!
So it’s your friend’s fault you dropped out, and Your least favorite child had drama, and you didn’t run to the internet, but the moment she talks to a man, you do? You post everything else but not this? That’s how I know you’re lying you’re the type of mom to put all of Aaliyah’s business online.
She saying 300 cases like it’s a normal number how she had these kids in her care
Shanika, 👏 Kaya 👏 is 👏 not 👏 our 👏 motherfuckin’ 👏 child! 👏 How 👏 the 👏 fuck 👏 are 👏 we 👏 leavin’ 👏 her 👏 out 👏 when 👏 you’re 👏 the 👏 one 👏 who 👏 fuckin’ 👏 bought 👏 the 👏 stuff 👏 for 👏 Aaliyah, 👏 you 👏 retarded 👏 piece 👏 of 👏 shit! 👏