First time growing beard ?
Need aged WWII account for steam
Teacher caught watching hardcore porn
How many showers a day?
why was schulz so boring?
Jennifer Walcott (2001)
What’s the deal with the Erma?
24 people who are close to me tell me I’m attractive But I never really have much luck out in the wild I feel like I’m invisible to the world
I am from Estonia, AMA
Which fighter has the worst fight IQ you’ve seen?
Can Paddy win this?
I’m a Sikh (5th largest religion in the world) AMA
Bryce Mitchell Says He’s Been Having Demonic Dreams Since UFC314 Press-Conference, Believes Jean Silva Is Possessed by A Legion of Demons
Weird borders on secondaries and basic trainings (infantry and saboteur both have them on this class, but others don’t)
does anybody know the location of this place ?
Homeless drug addict AMA
Gas grenade no problem
What is indigenous Americas-Mexico?
AITA for breaking up with my GF after she gave away my dog…. AND LIED ABOUT IT?
Payton Talbott appears in Frank Ocean's new song snippet.
DNA Test. Born and raised in South Carolina
Am I ugly, pretty or average. Or am I just not socially accepted because the color of my skin
You're stuck on a 12 hour flight, what seat are you taking?
Proved everyone wrong