Kanye calling Em a Rap King
Tell me why you like your favorite Eminem song, and I'll guess it.
How much could I realistically get for an Eminem autograph?
Am I weird for unironically thinking this?
It’s so nice seeing him do in person interviews rather than Skype calls
We’re cooked💔💔💔
What are ye’s best lyrics?
Lethal Diss
All of Tom’s good songs(Man In The Sky) perform terribly and then we wonder why he only releases political music. It’s so annoying!
Tom MacDonald “Man In The Sky”
New video Friday
You have to spend 48hrs with Kanye from any year from 1977-2025
Some company stole toms wild horses design
I am eminem's testicle, ask me anything
Ye deleted all his posts and reels. The only thing left on his website is a swastika.. Kanye is dead
Best opening track?
What is this?
so anyway anybody down to trade for 060 of the mythic island pack? thanks! :)
ye went crazy cuz ps servere were down
It’s finally over
What'd u guys think of the halftime show?
Anyone else used to follow Etika and getting sad flashbacks right now?
He made like that remix
he's still at it dawg...