Tribbie e1 or castorice e2
Hearing Trigger’s VA for the 1st Time
Ifa Va
Iansan's VA is back!
The Switch has managed to make me a Nintendo fan again. After the GameCube, I didn't have any Nintendo consoles for many years. At the beginning I had a cartridge box for 20 games and thought that it would never be completely filled...
[1.7 Beta] Vivian core
New Pickups
Varesa V5 changes via
Cantarella Beta changes
Look what arrived at the mail!! Beautiful cover and poster.
Just got this last night!
Woot Spring Video Game Sale!
Super Deluxe announces Castlevania Anniversary, Advance and Dominus Collections and Contra Anniversary Collection for Japan
Realm of Pixel is out today. Any thoughts?
Waiting on front misson 2 LRG copy preo on vgp and tails of iron 2 phys! What about you guys and gals. What are we all waitin for!
What is your favorite and/or most unique collectors edition in your collection?
Need advice asap fellow collectors?
My January purchases
Casltevania Dominus Collection Shipping Date?
February Haul
Current srpg collection
So... When do Y'all Think You'll Stop? 😅
I've run out of room on my shelf and I don't have space for a second shelf. Anyone else struggling with this problem? What are your storage solutions?
PlayAsia finally came in and W00t shipped fast!
Iansan's buff visual indicator