LF: Ho-oh, Suicune, Raikou
Ft: pic Lf: offers
LF: Regileki
LF: Pogo shinies from tracker FT: Below
LF shiny manaphy I have offers or lmk if you’re looking for anything specific
FT: shinies LF: Gen 8 and Gen 9 shinies
Lf: oshawot PLA
LF:Touchtrades to complete pokedex
LF offers
Getting rid of some pokes (attempt 2 because I forgot to include a pic an hour ago)
FT: shiny Pokémon, and non shiny legends LF: shiny legendaries/mythicals preferred pogo
Lf: offers
LF: Touch trade Magearna and Zarude
Looking for alolan sandshrew
What are the best non legendaries to trade for a legendary?
LF: Porygon2 from Sw/Sh to get shiny Keldeo; FT: Anything from this post or PoGo stamped shinies
LF: Touch Trade on last few Mythicals for Dex Completion
Need help completing the Dex! (touchtrade)
Touch trade Deoxys
FT: SV Shinies LF: Offers
Lf: Tracker Ft: Photos
Giveaway time peeps - these could be clones but deoxys are legit from POGO
Apriball Pokémon giveaway