Thaumaturge and Weird "Weaknesses"
Can an Unarmed Peak Human Martial Artist beat a Horse at least 2/10 times?
Has anyone made a Melusai + Khinerai kitbash or is willing to make a quick and small test for me to see? Thanks in advance
First Model of the Year Somehow—Just Some Gutrippa
What song you picking?
What are your top 5 Good Kid songs?
Just got Cobble & Fog! Celebrated by painting up Dracula!
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Conservative Rap
Dropped my Krethusa while painting her and her staff snapped in two, so now here she is with a cool hook thing!
What charcter comes to your mind when you see this color - day 2 - black (color fixerd arent allowed)