Try and guess people's anime quotes
I am doing a completionist run! (Defeat Main Story, Postgame, all Travlers quests, Journal Completion, Goldflag every level, and badge completion) Any Advice?
Favorite Lance in the Series?
How could you say no to this face
Because the students are at a officers academy this is where they end up (using the stereotypes about the military my Dad told me about)
Marianne kills the Death Knight (this is on hard difficulty btw)
How lucky are you?
new miitopia challenge run for me
Our God has returned to us. The 3-13 archer is back.
Just WHY is that a sub?
What game had you crying or got you the closest?
Does anyone else hope that in a sequal to Miitopia, that they put more than 8 personalities for the miis to have?
I want to be a Girl like you......
Why are people hating on a failed BFDI:TPOT debuter?
What do you think about the Flower ?
Can we please oil up Hank?
Jjk is a Pluey reference confirmed?
I don’t know why I spend 30 minutes on decisions like these
That is definitely wrong.
I wish to shapeshift, between forms at will, and to maintain my memories between forms and for people to maintain their memories of me.
Who are you bringing back?
We gotta fight FIRE with FIRE