The Valley cast at the iHeartRadio awards
Ethan mocks Adam for being upset at Hila telling him to disappear. Also goes after denims
Ethan defends new friend Keemstar regarding Etika’s tragic death
"I've never known a black person or been in close proximity to black people." And it's still true to this day!
Shopping for dildos
What is your drink of choice with Pizza?
Tristan Tate says James called him a hero
James trying to do damage control
I’ve reached the point in my rewatch where this haircut has appeared and I would like to humbly ask: WTF??!!
What’s that one alcoholic drink that you once had a bad experience, and now can’t even think about being near, let alone drinking it?
James Kennedy and the Tate Brothers.
Which are the best places to go on vacation?
Pulse Check: How do we feel about white nail polish?
Jos Instagram story
Trump's explanation for the tariffs
Healthy Meal prep service coming soon
Any fellow bf’s who’ve gotten sucked into the vandy-p universe due to their girlfriends?!
I am DYING at the latest video, you guys 😂💀
AIO with what i said
Best place to get a clown suit in Red Deer?
The Daily Show accepts Musk's terms for interview with Jon Stewart: “We'd be delighted”
TVs at Department of Housing and Urban Development were hacked to display this video
What is stopping you from going to the gym?
Jesse video response
Juicy Joe is KILLING ME on this S4 RV trip through Cali. 😂💀