This morning I finally finished platinuming every single Spider-Man game
“With a little help from my friends”
After just over 200 hours, I have finally 100% completed the entire game
Not sure if this fits here but I made an edit of the Green Goblin fight but with Willem Dafoe instead and wanted to share it
The circle is now complete
I’d honestly love to have a mod for these two suits
Anyone know what caused the fire on Shirley high street this evening?
DM controls group, deflects criticism, strips female characters nude, and makes his GF the main character
It was nice to see the snow lay ever so slightly this morning, hoping it could be a sign of a white Christmas!
Character bonuses reset/glitched?
How Much Do You Think This Scene Cost?
Having Adrian Glynn McMorran go from being the first enemy to discover Clark’s powers in Smallville to this moment here is such a subtle yet beautiful bookend on the modern era of superhero TV
It may be a long shot, but does anyone have a copy of Babelcolour’s Ten Doctors fan-edit?
What happen to Sophie Cushing?
What’s your out of the box choice actor for a future Doctor that you know would probably never get cast?
With the new roadmap giving us an idea of characters to come, what characters do you guys want to see added in next?
New Content Roadmap
Very happy with these results
Pumpkin Patches
5270 0322 2762 Southampton UK, but happy to accept worldwide requests