Holiday in October - Fishing/Ocean Loving 7 Year Old
Does anyone here have a fluently speaking child diagnosed level 2?
What is this animal shape?
Can I get a whoop whoop?
Helping friends that have children on the spectrum, what support do you need from us?
Telling family
This is so hard - public meltdown
Is early intervention really as important as it’s portrayed online, or is it exaggerated for commercial purposes?
Holding Grudges
Shrek nickname- is it racist?
Toyota Fortuner Drawer System
Thoughts on the way I kill this squid?
Hands in Mouth
Bro I HATE Michael chandler what has he done to earn a number one contender fight
School changes - am I expecting too much
ADHD trait or just “personality”
Seeking Input from Caregivers: Help Us Understand the Impact of Chronic Illness Caregiving
Stealing Treats
Fidgets/ideas for 5yo that is too rough/handsy waiting in line
South Australia
Is 10mg methylphenidate a normal starting dose?
Always blame the parents
Tell us what state you're from without telling us the state. (no land marks)
Moving to Port Lincoln.
Boy names with a soft "O" that are similar to "Noah" or "Theo" but not ridiculously popular?