Wow I didn't even think it was possible to be undefeated in competitive like this. Completely steam rolled by this dude. no losses at all in competitive.
he thought he was safe
"The Thing did Nothing" 😭
Wolverine is the one I have enjoyed playing the most recently
there's something satisfying about making the entire enemy team waste their ults (shoutout to the hawkeye btw)
Can Someone Explain Why This Dropped?
Why are rank up games the hardest?
What balance changes are you hoping to see in the incoming patch ?
warranted ult, i promise
Invisible Woman counters Dr. Strange's ultimate
Fast Black Widow death combo
New optimal Omni route that I stole from Twitter
Shang Tsung infinite against Shujinko
42% Noob kombo with the new Tremor buff
buff nitara
This is my day 1 sub zero, just here to prove that you sub mains are terrible and I hope you have a bad day
Havik/Janet puppet combo challenge
51% Noob/Sub corner combo
Noob/Sub Kameo 47% Optimal
Interesting Kenshi combo I cooked up
Shujinko breaks Noob’s armor wakeup 💀
Hold up?! Did Johnny Cage just say this in September?!
Noob Saibot plus frame setup
Bi Han betrayed live (sad!)
So dragon blood does nothing now? WTH