Exmormon sub is the most supportive but…
Do you consider Mormons Christian?
Ex-Mormon Memes Captain Moroni "Caption This" Cup Chase
Rust bolts Spatula
Proposal: White Salamander as PIMO Code Phrase
So I needed some coloring pages for kids at the church I work at, so I printed out the BattleTech activity book. My hope is someday one of this kids will see someone playing BattleTech and be like “yeah I know Rifleman from church”
I know everyone throws a hissy fit when anyone compares the 2 games but cmon lads they fucked up the ghoul so bad
Thought experiment about death, salvation and the 3 degrees of glory.
My dad “strongly cautioned” me to avoid the exmo subreddit
My fellow Helldivers, I’m caught in a bad storm and might not make it out, if I don’t make it out I want you all to know, it was an honor serving with you all.
PC > Console
Randy Bott and the Mormon Church's Racism Problem
Bayonets nah am good
Just wanted to show ya’ll what my Dad said to me when I told him I’ve left the church (gotta love the support)
How do you tell who’s PIMO?
More accurate
“Better” gore?
P.S.A. Can we stop with the weird hands I hate this sun is more fun with variety!! Also here’s my sweet girl honey
A portion of redditors are like this
Give me the wisdom to find my direction
Patriarchal Blessings.
Man this community is good.