Hey kid, show me your first ever saved meme
[16F] Somebody PLEASE debate me
Is drawing fake animals haram?
anything but a boat 🥀
i proudly present to you.... r/AntiFuckBlender!!!!!
Guess my sisters birth year based on her teen years
Did I recreate the flag good
Choose one
I've never watched BFDI asked me anything
STOPP!!!!, Read the picture
What if he pulled a…
Ultimate proof that purple is a guy
can yall shut up about the logo
ban air
Roses are red, you shouldn't lie
Help me name my little boy.
[F18] I'm unfortunately bored in class
Type "Shark bit my______ Off"
mmm yes the mecha-doohickey is functioning as intended
(Image unrelated) comment on this post as uf you were the character in your flair
Can someone explain who the heck this dude is?
Is it haram to use words that are made to compare to Allah SWT?
What (Non Roblox) Games do I play based on my avatar?