How is she?
Does someone know for certain the interactions of calcium-magnesium-zinc mixed with amphetamine, mainly how does that affect blood pressure?
Mixing to much mayhaps? Speed, coke, alc and 3mmc?
somth wrong w the way i snort?
6grams of shrooms guy here I just wanna let y’all know I survive
Is my Phoebe decent? Just leveled her up to LVL 90
Should I go CR or CD (S5R1)
Being dead is better than living.
if you want to make nose sprays, very important psa : DONT LICK WHAT YOU SPILL
Danjin Solo No Hit Run vs LvL 100 Fallacy Hologram 6 no mouse & keyboard, using Dance Pad, Drum, Guitar, 3 inch Controller while one handed, bucketblindfolded, 44111 instead of 43311 Set, lowest game fps at 24 and no 5 Star Weapon
Does speed lose potency if left
Can i stop farming the tacet field now
Be honest, are my builds bad 😭
Zani devkit (likely that new form that just leaked is the serious state)
Legendary Fish
How to stop having a weird kink while high?
Just rolled this I don't know what to say
Which better echo guys ?
He might not be the best DPS, but I love his design 😭🦁
Just grinded and finished the new fishing event today in one go....
Snorted about 15 mg ~ 5 minutes ago and dont feel nothing
Fishing tips (dont do these mistakes)
My best advice to all the new players trying out the game. Don't treat this game like other gacha's
I'm going to say this one last time, It's "creepy" that there is only female kids playable and no male kids at all. It's already 4 years since the game released.