Which celebrity death are you not ready for?
"Why everyone's staring at me?"
What are some of your misheard lyrics? or lyrics you replace in a song?
What's your story of knowing something was going to happen ahead of time?
Physically, what do you find attractive?
What is your go to Ozzy ballad?
Weird or normal, what are some things that make you automatically smile?
What’s an obvious physical feature about yourself that people point out when they first meet you?
Famous person who had the worst death?
What YT channels do you watch?
What was your very first paranormal experience?
What makes you feel valued?
What type of music are you into?
What do all of the movies get wrong about the zombie apocalypse?
What is your first memory?
What are the sexiest songs you have ever heard?
How would you like to die ?
Who have you been told you look like?
Childless women of reddit, what’s your opinion on kids being expensive as fuck?
What are your top two genres of music?
What is your paranormal experience story?
If you could keep any animal for a pet, what would it be?
What's something you want to brag about but don't feel like you can?
How have you almost died?
Have you ever been truly frightened? What happened?