Just a quick reminder, Oolong shapeshifted into an ADULT MAN to date a little girl (goku in disguise) and was bro blushing?
Trump nixes $17.75 minimum wage for federal contractors adopted by Biden
what's happening? +4% post market
2012 Evora S 2+2. What’s your experience? How is reliability/usability?
We're back to the Delneri days
People putting bags in the bins at the front of the plane and sitting in the back.
Leavitt - ''The orders are unconstitutional. You cannot have a low level district court judge filing an injunction to usurp the executive authority of the President.''
I'm sick of Ash and this Season sucks
Please help
Peek vantage gameplay
90's era training jacket or whatever this is. Bough it as a garage sale lot with some jerseys
Climbing to the top of the Empire State building
Sony used air mortars to shoot 250,000 bouncy balls down San Francisco hills for a commercial instead of using CGI
Did I make a mistake trading my G82 M4 for a G87 M2?
When Adidas created a perfectly spherical soccer ball, they had to call for NASAs help to figure out what was going on.
Can we break our lease if the house is having constant issues?
Does anybody here ever switched from controller to mnk?
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
lol Trump is hilarious
‘MrBeast,’ who has never been employed a day in his life, complains about how tough it is making $80 million/year as a glorified delegator.
Stop Darrell Issa from undercutting judicial authority
Trump has just said: Globalists are behind stock market sell off.
Trump and Musk are making Park Rangers homeless