Tips on using Deimos?
42m fresh out of a 20yr relationship. 1st time living alone.
He came on live tv, just to be aired out…
911 emergency
My dead body is stuck in a tiny cave with a troll and I'm too weak sauce - what do I do
Guess my rank
I accidentally cut my hand,got 2 stitches, I feel exceptionally lonely right now.
What game reignited your passion for gaming when you had lost interest?
Here we go again
Is it worth living alone?
So because Trump took issue with Canada, Rogan jumps on the bandwagon and kisses the ring even harder. Absolutely spineless.
Young men need to step up and become better people.
For me, it's not "Just one drink". It's "Just one more night"
Multiple publishers ‘ready to delay their games’ to avoid GTA6 onslaught, it’s claimed | VGC
Have you picked up a new hobby or skill while living one?
Heckler goes full Nazi
Anyone who went from living alone to living with a partner?
2 Years ago, this sub gave me crap for Darius Ghostblade Tank Jungle, now it got Highest winrate with a nerf in the latest patch.
🔥 A herd of elk seamlessly crossing two fences and a road
How do you debate someone who won’t listen to what you have to say?