Why are a disproportionate amount of military service members from the South?
People who go to the gym how often do you go per week?
Do women discuss their date's penis more than guys discuss their date's vagina?
How do you play this game without enemies becoming damage sponges?
"Your pussy is mine" uhm?
Protip for people who think the exploration is "boring"
When homeless people die, what happens to their bodies?
Brown water
Mega Hordes
Another day, another photo of Trump’s hands
How long does Benny stay up there?
And the girls went nuts…
Is the American Southern Accent is looked down on or stigmatized?
What positive thing does a red or blue state does so well well that even the other side has to admit it is doing a good job?
Fairest death in DayZ:
What’s a good euphemism for saying someone is stupid?
With 21% of US adults being illiterate, when was the last time you encountered someone that you felt was illiterate?
"Your not even allowed to do that" - Seems like Canada's electricity surcharge hit a nerve!
Normalise bush camping 🌳✊
Why is college-dorm style housing not a thing for adults?
Obama irreparably broke the minds of racists!
What’s that one alcoholic drink that you once had a bad experience, and now can’t even think about being near, let alone drinking it?
Guess my age based off my childhood