Sometimes it's best to leave them with the is stuff
There's no jizya for these people !
World's most famous festivals. Which is yours?
Right where it deserves to be
It's as peaceful as it gets
How much control does the Iranian Government have over the international Baha'i faith?
As an Ex-Muslim woman, I despise Islam and dream of the day I'll witness the burning of the KAABA
Peaceful religion
The only options
When you know how to beat the trap
We declare peace upon you and we don't know maps
Which festival of some other religion do you think is most fun
Just how delusional are these guys who rape iranian women in prison before execution so that they don't see jannah
Ye don't fucking believe that yourselves, Muslims. Be real.
Would love to hear your thoughts on ChatGbt take when asked if Muhammad made it all up
We teach what is right and what is wrong
He did wonders with his magic
She knows where the biggest porn market is
People leaving islam
Crimes against humanity were done by ahmadis
PHD in beheading people in pakistan
A fashion show sparks a row in Kashmir
When one thing is logical and same thing is illogical
Found this gem from messages history.
If it's illogical to you... You better protect yourself from muslims by paying protection money
Ex muslim sub at 189k.