Guys I finally gave up and disabled all the AA and only enabled DLDSR 2.25. The game is jagged but at least there's no damn ghosting behind my car. DLSS,TAA,DLAA: f*ck em all
Tarafını seç kardeşim
8.6.0 is coming!!
"Mutlaka üniversite okuyun, kampüs hayatını görün, en kötü üniversite bile diplomasızlıktan iyidir."... O sırada Bingöl Üniversitesi:
Is it possible to minimize TAA ghosting with Reshade? Any tips are appreciated
I am experiencing the same problem as in this picture in Forza Motorsport, but I cannot adjust TAA in the game settings. Is it possible to access a setting in the game files that will minimize the ghosting?
What features do you want to see in Forza Horizon 6?
Üni kafeteryası 😋😋
FM Update 18
Can abi?
Nvidia app performans sorunu
Why is this game still using DLSS 3.5.10? it's literally almost 2 years old
Should I buy it?
bilgisayarıma bir program indirdim ve biri sırayla her şeyimi ele geçirmeye çalışıyor
Which of the new vehicles is your favorite?
Preset C vs J vs K which one clearer for DLAA?
378 Kişinin kaldığı dersi, tek başına AA ile geçmek nasıl hissettiriyor.
Nvidia DLSS preset K mi preset J mi daha iyi görsellik sunuyor?
how is this game so dead?
What do you call this ?
What a beast!
Mezuna Kalmak
Emulation gone terribly wrong
Gregtech question - How to really learn it