1.28.22 Artwork Finally Up & Behind Glass.
Post chicago thoughts everybody
My Daughter and I Enjoying An Incredible Night of Philly Drugs.
How are we feeling about their 10 song set?
Late Night Sunday Sesh.
Forgot to ask for a “no tuck”
Was this the ugliest item of clothing in the entire series?
Why aren't the mods enforcing rule number one of the sub?
I Say, Do Ya Like Ice?
Favorite Lines from “The Stall”
Say what?.......say what?
You missed a lovely party for Grace.
What are "pupkitz"?
The Hamptons
Who else besides me likes these?
What’s Your Desert Island Season?
What are your top 10 episodes?
You know, I don't get you r/seinfeld. You like a post one day. The next day you don't like it. Come on, make a decision.
Well, that's one thing we got.
I love just seeing r/seinfeld and making some low-effort posts. Not having to do all that, uh you know, work. All that writing and thinking about stuff. It's brutal.
What's your favorite lesser-known George quote?
Help my wife and I name this male French bulldog puppy after something from Seinfeld. Right now the front runner is “George Costanza,” and we’ve already had a dog named Kramer.