Onryo hunted outside of crucifix after it blew 3 candles out.
UV evidence after contact with salt?
Game is still pretty Mid
Bug or am I dumb?
In-Game Ghost Speed and Timer Overlay
Are there any other "cheesy" evidences like the twins activity graph?
Shade glitched?
Only Polty can throw objects with lights on in room?
My special badges disappeared
Confused? Re: pictures
Obake question/bug
How to find ghost type without all evidence?
Please never do the "Gotta Go Fast" weekly challenge ever again.
Twinteraction or no??
Why are slow twins suddenly 1m/s??
Either Banshee is bugged or it does roam to different floors
phasmo "cheat" sheet
is 10x still possible with evidence?
Any tips for this week's challenge mode?
Phas is broken
Double finger prints on light switch?
Can anyone help me understand this ghost?
Making Event Trophies The Same Instead of Having a Different Year on Every One
Some questions that no ones given me a straight answer to, maybe you can help 🙏
Freezing temps in two separate rooms and it was a moroi, is this normal?