What is some of the worst WrestleMania results of all-time?
Cena’s promo was trash. WWE messed this up. Here’s why.
Hogan would be proud, brother
Glad he’s back
DAE "you people" heel promos are lazy??
Do you think he is ready to move in with DDP and turn his life around?
"Cena is a heel? GODDAMN PAL! Quite frankly, it will never match my heat in Kansas City, 1999."
Corny: And then the fans were quiet for Iyo. So when are they getting the belt back on Mami do you think Brian?
Guys I got dumped earlier. It still hurts. He said awful things. DAE ever been through this?
2025 in the wrestling business
“You’re an embarrassment! I talked to SCJerk after your botch today, and they’re M*rks just like the basement!”
Leaked ending to Wrestlemania 41
Ted Williams cheat code?
You think you're special... You do. 🎶
school project what yall think?
What the fuck did I ever do to deserve a fruity pebble fucking dumb fuck like John Cena to out on nation television and go into business for himself?
DAE John Cena’s promo was an abysmal failure because he didn’t tie in the Rock or the 17th World Championship?
DAE think this crowd is too loud and rowdy?
[Dave Meltzer] "AEW is 100% considered a shport. Anyone that says otherwise.... BRYYYYAAAANNNN!!!!"
Cornedde : "See, they need take the title from Iyo ASAP, she just sit there while holding her head whilst two Amazonian women brawl next to her"
DAE Jey doesn’t deserve to be in the Main Event?!?!!!!!?!?
[Raw Spoilers] Information on tonight's jobber
The IWC when it’s time to infantilize Iyo and treat her like she’s a 7 year old child who needs to be protected from Charlotte, Rhea, Bianca, and Nia
The real reason John Chena hates our favorite midcarder:
John Cena this, Cody Rhodes that, Lexis King is back on NXT for gods sake!