Something about him eating for two, and her barely eating for one.
A breakdown of the decor at Devon and Ricken’s house and a master list of why I don’t trust them
Dynamax Chansey catch circle seems to be fixed
Has Anyone Actually Got A Shiny Archen Yet?
They don’t even hide the increased price 😭
birthday bash smoothsip slider has a ceramic inside?
Gal Gadot promoting at Disneyland today.
Finally done with this!
Idea for John's next book signing to save his wrist
20/20 but no shiny or hundo. How was your Max Raikou day?
Severance - 2x09 "The After Hours" - Live Episode Discussion
Giving out some extras from my alts! Comment what u want! Will pick 5 winners! Ends after 24hours!
What’s your fav Alolan vulpix plush?
Going to leave this here and see what comments it brings…
Looking for nothing, offering shiny wynaut giveaway
Uhmmm…. Is that what I think it is?!
The sub after this weeks episode
Unreleased shiny forms as of March 8th 2025
Looking for normal Galar Zapdos, Offering Shiny Galar Zapdos, 30 day or instant
The discourse around this episode is absolutely ridiculous.
Does anyone else coordinate with their buddies?
All of us every Thursday night
Ma'am, the moon landing was in 1969
How do Fundie women do it?!
Severance - 2x08 "Sweet Vitriol" - Post-Episode Discussion