Are Ketramose and Hashaton hell queue worthy?
PSA: Once you get the badge, keep using your sweatiest deck.
The issues with Pocket's economy and why it is so predatory
A2a - New leaks
Small list of reasons I won't give a Thanks for (Satire)
PSA: Your should replace Scolipede with Magnezone
It finally happened someone won a tournament with just Pachirisu
this meta is incredibly boring to fight against
People are abusing the waiting timer
Two weights, two measures
Looks Like The Trading Reviews Have Hit
Magnezone may be my favorite addition from this set so far
My take on buffing Fossils: A Basic Solution
The cause of 98% of my losses
Why do people say this is the worst card of the set?
New Booster Pack Coming Soon! Mythical Island
Just a reminder
Weekly Meta Snapshot (2nd Dec)
The average PTCGP player is a sore loser
Data reveals double Zapdos ex and single Pincurchin as the best friends for Pikachu ex. Mewtwo ex has improved it's matchup vs Pikachu ex decks. Arcanine ex remains best counter.
I mean, what's the worst that could happen? ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯
Jigglypuff is gonna be the new meta
This sub when someone posts a genuine criticism of this game
Idea: boss events!