Mi novia está subiendo de peso y me preocupa.
I thought incessant barking was a Third World problem only.
Mi perro se volvió agresivo.
Should I adopt this stray dog?
Fertilización in vitro?
Dogs could be so much less problematic if the owners weren't so incompetent
¿Cuál creen genuinamente que es la mejor barbería CALIDAD/PRECIO de Mérida?
Have you notice how normal it is not to like any type of animals but don’t you dare not to like dogs.
It’s okay if you don’t like kittys but how dare you not to like dogs ???
I am still asking myself why this happened to me.
¿Mejores medicamentos sin receta para dormir bien?
Los perros no son “hijos”, y tratar a las mascotas como bebés es ridículo
Estoy harto de vivir en una ciudad, ¿es mejor en un pueblo?
La cultura “PET friendly” esta haciendo este mundo un lugar peor.
This dog society left me with no option than become rich
Least “dog friendly” cities?
Dogs in other countries
This community makes me keep it up, thank you!
Dog owner was just like (some) dogs: all bark no bite
How do I let my neighbors know that their dog barks non-stop since 5 am until they're back home?
I became of those bad lucky guys who got a new neighbor with two dogs
Unless you live in a house with a decent amount of land and not so close to your neighbours, having a dog is not a smart decision. Including those who have a few working breeds in a bachelor apartment.
54% Of Dog Owners Have Regrets About Getting A Dog
¿Por qué sucede esto y ya estamos condenados como generación?