What to do if I hate myself?
What pills to use for Overdosing?
Very curious about OG'S
I’m too pathetic
I don’t even know why I’m here anymore
Sometimes you just wanna have fun
Whoever designed the new Ryker skin deserves a pay raise of a gazilion dollers.
I ruined my own life
jesus fucking christ i'm pathetic
Should I try to hide my body before I do it?
things to do before taking your life
CMV: it is ok to end your life if you don’t want it
What made you want to pursue a career in voice acting?
I wanna become a voice actor but ai seems to do it better. Should I even bother?
I’m gonna fail at life anyway so why bother?
Which skin is your favorite?
I ruined my own life. I’m a loser who’s hopelessly addicted to porn and social media
A little advice, don’t be like me
What do my top 15 skins say about me
Favorite Midas?
I need epic to hear me out
My dads roommate got home as soon as I put the rope around my neck