MKX Scorpion and Sub Zero facing off in “The Field” is visual poetry!
just finished the first one any tips for the ps3 games
What are your thoughts about Mk 2 movie kitana?
First look at Mortal Kombat 2 | In Cinemas This Year
Fuck Bryan.
Mike Hollow is legit poison to the FGC
Which one is better?
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Gotta decide… so many tasty choices, such little time..
Cant decide between PS3 HD or PS4, Help!
What do you think your mains best move is?
Is the definitive edition worth it now?
Is it worth buying these games on PS3 if I already have them on PS2?
Guys, no fucking way
Knee bodied Arslan ash.
Peace walker is overrated here's why
Lifelong MGS Fans, are you getting the MGS3 Delta on day 1?
FightingGM's Season 1 Final Tier List (Not Ordered)
Those who sold off most of your collection. How did you feel afterwards?
What's this game for you?
Good News and Bad News
Would you spend this game for $900?
What are some fighting games that aren't that popular right now that you can see gaining a strong following in the future?
Doesn't this pizza look like big boss?
Hardcore Resident Evil fan: Will I enjoy Silent Hill?