I solo queued Masters 1 on a mini account, basically playing only Carl, Mortis, Leon and Gene. You don't need to be a crazy drafter to get here.
Some Brawlers are very underestimated until they get a Hypercharge
Top 25 Pro Ranked Player AMA
The sad state of ranked 2.0
Did they ruin rank?
Tilt, Bad randoms, Losses: Don’t Matter when you’re consistently good.
i first picked stu because i thought it was a good pick but i played horrible. Advice and criticism please
The new Brawl Stars News, but it's only the good things
How we feeling about this?
How was power league different from ranked? Why doesn't SC just change ranked back to PL with better rewards?
I am the bad random.
The Anger of Heist in Ranked
What are your predictions and wishes for the ranked rework?
Solo-queued to Masters using only Carl
Solo queued to Masters with just Carl
Ranked flair varification post