What’s a movie you’ve rewatched the most times?
[TDM] Venerated Stormsinger (Card Image Gallery)
How many copies of Scute Swarms will I have?
[TDM] Bloomvine Regent (Making Magic DailyMTG)
[TDM] Watcher of the Wayside (WeeklyMTG)
[TDM] Rescue Leopard (WeeklyMTG)
People who unsubscribed from their once favorite YouTuber, what made you hit "unsubscribe"?
Commanders that draw the whole deck
What are some college degrees that people pursue despite it being useless in the current market?
[Post Game Thread] #8 Michigan State defeats #16 Maryland, 58-55
What's a commander deck that you've always wanted to build, but for one reason or another, you just haven't?
In DIRE need of help for a gift since I have no idea about Magic !!!
How do you know if a deck is going to stick around for a long time?
Iconic items/objects/aspects of popular franchises that only came to be originally for purely pragmatic behind the scenes reasons.
Decks that let other players “Do their thing” while still having win potential.
[DFT] Magmakin Artillerist
[DFT] Howlsquad Heavy
[DFT] Oviya, Automech Artisan - Decked Out
[DFT] Salvation Engine
[DFT] Monument to Endurance
[DFT] Gonti, Night Minister (WeeklyMTG)
MTGArena JPN preview translation needed
Need help for a commander to utilize black enchantments!
A terrifying message to receive at work
[DRC] Priest of the Crossing ("Eternal Might" Precon) (Commander at Home)