Extrude problems after replacing
Fusion vs Inventor 2025
Changed print time drastically
CFS not available when connected with CR Cloud
It’s got that, burnt to a crisp factory new smell to it 😏🤌 *sniffffff 😩 Takes nozzle off… 😳wait a second… 🫠🫥
How can I knurl the rest of the blank surface?
53 hours later it finished. Straight from the box, no tweaking, 16 generic colors loaded, Creality slicer and a shit ton of shit 🤣
CFS not feeding
There's some sort of Error with my CFS that unloads the 4th spool and it refuses to operate at all
Broken Polymaker ASA
Black filament coloring the whole layer
New to the K2 Plus - Questions on Settings
Have tried PEO build plate yet?
Has anyone printed the riser?
Was sueched mer da so?
What table / setup do you have for your K2?
1 Free year of creality cloud premium with k2+
Replacing long LIDAR cable
End of custom RFID on the next firmware.
Merging lines first layer
Retract Problem
Problem with my Creality K1 Max
Finally have tracking Info! (UK 40%)
Display goos bye