Why is r.e.p.o so popular?
when and why did this sub(and jthm in general) blow up?
What causes these spikes in players every few months?
Nata lore
How? Do I play it??
Man I love mass effect. I want a turian to blow me (I know they have razor sharp teeth, that's half the reason why I want it)
Hear me out
"The cake is almost ready!"
Wait, so Katie Killjoy knows Charlie's gay but her own father doesn't?
Name for these two bosses
YBG banner
Zevlor looks like a Ghost Pepper
First video game comes to mind when you see this logo
Do you have a hero which you started playing out of spite, until it suddenly became your main?
Mae as soon as she talk to someone she kinda like
"StOp SeXuAliZInG FrOmsoFT ChArAcHterS "
Why is this so difficult for some of you?
(IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE) say something nice about Jim Jam that’s not a backhanded compliment.
A Dilemma [OC]
Petah, Please Help
Say something good about this game
The mural in leipzig Germany has been removed
So true man…
There is really a gay str¡p cluB in gta6?