What is the most insane conspiracy theory you’ve heard that is related to WWE?
Who else thinks Seth’s gimmick is getting a little stale
Mac with some of his wrestling memories
2025 in the wrestling business
So guys which team are you on?
Cmon HHH why do you keep doing Theory dirty like that
It’s good having Graves back for one night
Rhea Ripley just a pulled a Shawn Micheals Wrestlemania XX contract signing
This doesn’t seem Real
We needed this
What do you take from this
Who else is excited for Raw tonight in Brussels
Aleister Black is expected to return to WWE on the first Smackdown after WM (Source PWNexus)
Today is the day
Everybody today 3:16
Happy 3:16 day
Cena doing a make a wish before his heel turn
Life changes so quickly
The Viper is in Barcelona
The best Dusty impression of all time
What’s their tag team name