Why do Pokemon fans complain but still buy the game?
What is this?
Anyone know what this pendant Elon wears symbolises? Just curious! Ty 👍
Racist entitled woman
There was a time we would consider this tabloid…not in these time.
The Legend of Zelda: BoTW ruined it for me.
“Your country exists because of what America provides to you, don't forget that”
my opinion
The Trans debate summarised - the Right love to make Mountains out of Mole hills
If Harry saw both his parents and Professor Squirrel die, why could he only just see threstals in his fifth year?
An article about T-rex by Dino G.
The wax museum removed Trump's figure because people kept punching it.
I just started playing and I recently lost my satchel in the crimson mirelands. It's been a few days now, is no one going to pick it up? Wtf I've picked up like 6 in that time.
I'm pretty sure there's a show on TLC about this.
Knott Dizz Knee Land
Why doesn't zelensky wear a suit? It's very disrespectful to show up to the white house to meet the president of the united states dressed like a homeless person.
Should I get skyward sword, echoes of wisdom, or links awakening as my next switch purchase?
Was Tupac balding or did he just rock the bald style on purpose?
What video game do you remember enjoying that hardly anyone ever seems to mention these days?
Reddit mod bands all Trump supporters calls them un-American
Angry Democratic donors turn off the flow of money
Based jb
Canadian national anthem singer changes lyrics to take shot at Donald Trump