True hai kya guys
If I were to complete CA till Final at first attempt, what I'll need to do ? Share your mistakes guyss :)
FR from YT Marathons - Need suggestions
Is audit ka kuchh karna padega
Kyu nhi ho rahi padhai
OP took a 15 min break :) Ethics padh liya kya guys🫠?
Clarity about the attempt
doubt in dtaa
SPOM Books
Ji haan gaais
CA final to be conducted thrice a year
People who filled form 112 did your college take money from you?
Articleship completion related query
How much money have you lost in naked options buying/selling till date?
Articleship expectations
CA final G1 Self Study
F&O related doubts
How should I save money in Mumbai?
Conversation between kunal kamra and shiv senik,
Ca final direct tax
CA students college life 😢
CAs & CA students on linkedin never fail to amaze 🤡