Emily wants that award
What song do you want to be played at your funeral?
the mic was ON!!✨🎙️
Still believing in the double albums theory 😔
حاجة محدش يعرفها عنك
Wtf is the meaning of "sugar" lyrics?
why are there two of one album
Pick an artist and tell me why you like them
What is your ranking now that MUSIC has come out?
I play guitar for rock and metal and I just got new guitar strings and on the back I just noticed Billie Eilish's name is on it for artists who use or have used these strings
oh no they’re getting involved
Shitpost for reason
looking for someone to come to finneas concert with me!
which billie song sounds LOVING but has HRNY lyrics?
We might be getting the Billie and Ariana Collab
Celebrity trying to copy Charlis whole vibe
Is writing "cringe" lyrics ok?
How many countries can we find banditos from?
Does anyone else wanna crawl out of their skin when they listen to WILDFLOWER because of how incredible it is?
Thought yall would love these!
Alright, guys, I think I'm falling for her.
NEED Charli to collab with Six Sex ASAP
We won
Straight male fan, should i be ashamed?