Does anyone ever use sex as self harm?
Concerned about things my husband said last night
Can a marriage survive sexual assault?
It's not fair he gets to keep living his normal life and I had to leave
Told my husband I needed a break
I feel like my husband is using the threat of divorce to make me do things I don't want to do (Update)
Is abuse biblical grounds for divorce, or just separation?
Is abuse biblical grounds for divorce
Feeling frustrated I can't even talk about it
I feel like my husband is using the threat of divorce to make me do things I don't want to do
A letter to my husband (that I am too afraid to give him)
How do you know if you are reacting correctly?
Did anyone else see this? Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks these comments are insane!
AITA for telling my boss that if she wants this little girl to be suspended, she can tell the parents herself
How do you know if are reacting correctly?
As a patient, what was your worst experience with a doctor or nurse?
Am I over reacting
When a child suffers at the hand of their parents’ inability to follow through
I don't know if I want to be married anymore
Rights as private daycare/preschool teacher
I miss being somebody's daughter
$100 to anyone who can show me an actual tear come from Robin's eyes
The "getting their pencils wet" thing was bad and gross and I understand why everyone is so fixated on it...