Who to invest in?
give me your last saved photo and i'll give you a pjsk character
Who should I build?
I would be happy about this…if I didn’t just use up all my resources to evolve and level up windswept 💔💔😭
To any one who enjoy fakua are any of them good and why?
I hate this stupid fucking bitch ass piece of garbage shit character with every ounce of my being
I cant beat her if anyone has what characters did you use
Help me choose which logo to use for my new suit!
What’s yalls favorite variants (BY DESIGN, NOT BY SKILL)
just got out of school! how was your day guys? Here’s some of my filia palettes!
Post to flex your strongest attackers!
anyone know how to fix "sorry there was a problem reaching our servers" on pc
My handsome baby boy Blu 💙^^ (4 months)
Thoughts? Cause what is this.
My friend is too shy to post the 7-Eleven she made. I thought it was super cute so I wanted to share it here :)
..mercy nerf?
Top 5 widow skin back in the shop
where is the kiriko hashimoto skin?
AITA for kicking my BF and his daughter out because of how his daughter acts when she's on her period?
good clip I got today, my new settings are really comfortable
What enemy Ultimate voice line scares you the most?
Some good widow gameplay I had in versus AI today, I can def see my improvement!
Aimbot? I was mercilessly insulted as a cheater.
An absurd amount of kills by the enemy widow