Did Vic change throughout The Shield? Or did he reveal who he truly was?
Who are creatives in the industry who have a bad reputation amongst comic fans, who you will defend?
Vic Mackey vs David Aceveda - Who is Worse?
Alan Moore and beyond
Why did Vic kept teasing Kavanaugh?
The asset Seizure policy. Good in theory but actually very bad.
Why is the kid singled out by the judge?
What has Alan recommended that you love and why?
What Was Your First Bojack Gut Punch?
Favorite Characters in Moon Witch, Spider King?
Why did Hank not ask Walter why he did all of the things he did?
What is the single worst thing that any character did in The Sopranos?
McCarthy-adjacent book recommendations
Anyone else notice how Christopher was never respected by NY
Janice on the news
Detective Mackey
[Spoilers MAIN] Olenna Tyrell did everything for her family.
Could there have been a worse fate for Vic? What other outcomes do you think were possible?
All the ways Vanity Fair messed up the literary scoop of the year
Tracker and Sogolon: Similarities and Differences
What are some phrases that show up in both books?
What made Vic Mackey act the way he does? - A Character Analysis and Theory on Vic’s upbringing.
Good news about The Devils
Update: so, about Bayaz…