New here, and I need advice after tragedy at a gun range.
Has anyone done the ima mark r?
A harlet 22 save my life
Just released to the Oddsea the 26x
Filament stuck in extruder
I have a loaded family police gun from the 90s I have never used. I just have a few questions if anyone can please give me some advice about what to do?
Twist connector equivalent for small gauge strand wire?
I just designed a g19 gen 5 style frame that uses polymer 80 style rails.
Inconsistently brittle PETG?
Beefed up the trigger guard on the xd92A1
Didnt realize my Dad’s tea kettle was electric…
Neighbors sitting still in their car all night
$1 billion worth of American alcohol bottles removed from shelves in Ontario alone.
Neighbour Keeps Accessing my Network/wi-fi despite password changes - How?
Any suggestions for options for a ar-9 other than the Hoffman?
What’s this single line on my model? Printed twice and line came out same on both…
Which Glock clone should I mod next?
Is it safe to tape this up with electrical tape?
3d printed trip wire capsaicin powder deterrent system
Inland carbon fiber nylon prints consecutive days out of a dehydrator.
can a stolen phone's data be retrieved even if it's locked?
My bro just got this 37 for 600, is this the worst glock?
My elderly father gave me a few of his firearms, I have a couple questions about this one.
An intellectual challenge - The Banana Not A Gun.