Can someone give me ONE policy that Trump spoke about or introduced that actually catered towards men
Co worker texting me making me uncomfortable
How do ER workers notify family in 2025?
LD975 would criminalize abortion in Maine.
If the system cannot provide us with Healthcare, social security, or even a living wage, then what's the point?
Do I need to leave my kids with him?
Iowa anti trans bathroom bills? So rediculous!
'We Are Witnessing a New Brain Drain' as Scientists Flee America for France - A French university says it's providing safe harbor to American scientists from Yale, Stanford, NASA, and the NIH.
NC Republican Congressman screamed at by Constituents in a Town Hall event
People who mix everyone's laundry together: why?
Allina vs Health Partners, could I legally hold a job with both?
That awkward moment when Girl Scouts approach and you can barely afford real groceries - *FUNNY RESPONSES ONLY*
ULPT Bought my daughter a gift card to Joann fabrics, they're no longer accepting them. How to get my money back.
My father is a green card holder with a single convicted criminal charge from over 30 years ago. Is it unsafe for him to leave the US right now?
elderly women swooning over trump.
Minnesota GOP Senators Propose Bill to Classify 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' as a Recognized Mental Illness
AITA for Refusing to Let My Neighbor’s Kids Use My Pool After They Kept Ignoring My Rules?
AITAH for not wanting my friends’ unvaccinated toddlers around mine?
Anyone else ?
Fighting a public school book ban in Saint Francis ISD 15 (30 minutes north of the cities) we need your help!
Minnesota is home to over 80,000 Somali residents whose travel from their home country is now subject to a total ban.
The "Sin of Empathy": How Right-Wing Media Has Been Framing Empathy as Dangerous, and a skeptical technique to use when you encounter it.
Can we cancel my husbands work insurance to get marketplace insurance if the work insurance doesn’t cover his life saving medication?
MN Legislation Vote Awareness - "Trump Derangement Syndrome"