What would happen if the characters from Over the Hedge met Capitaine Chantel DuBois?
Anyone else?
Opinions on HN3?
Would you kill Val for Angel's sake?
What did You show Uzi?! (Anything that is or isn't Personal to her)
Favorite Midas?
What would happen if a human were to swallow Cyn’s core?
Which DreamWorks movie is better?
What is an emotional moment from which Dreamworks movie that everyone sobs at but you are unmoved?
What is an emotional moment from animation that everyone sobs at but you are unmoved?
What duo is this?
She agreed to spend 2 hours with you, where are you taking her?
Your Last Photo Is What SpongeBob SquarePants Is Scared Of.
Shrek 5 needs the Sonic treatment
Uhh.... Where's Clock Dude Going? (Funny Answers Only)
Describe your favorite Pixar film with emojis
Over the Hedge or Flushed Away?
Don't forget to get your RTL while she's in the shop for ones that didn't have her yet!
Jax fans, we might be cooked
He may have vit her too much.art by @VioleNtUzi
Favorite white/silver haired character?
Reply with your favourite villager and i will decide if you can enter.
There is no such thing as a more iconic trio than this one
The guy i say hello to (He is my neighbor)
What do you think the main collectable will be in the next game?