[Video] I miss 2020 Tarkov
Physical copy or bust for me.
Delivering to Peter Englert from Lake Knot
We have all been there as a Sherpa…
I hate spawning on the right side of the map on shoreline [Discussion]
Finding Glukhar mid phone call
Any 100% Jagex-compliant Swappers??
Justice is served [PVP]
What is the best order to complete the guide? [Discussion] [PVP]
Do armor damage and body damage overlap in the post-death stat screen? [New Player]
Roommate Worrying For Me (addiction)
[Discussion] Do you guys bring extra mags with the AXMC?
Free throw like Shaq [PVP]
[Discussion] I can’t to Hunting Trip
Anyone else ever kill a trio with one burst? [Screenshot]
Worst feeling in Tarkov 😔
[video] nice nades...
[New Player] worst map
Teenager Benjamin Choi creates mind controlled prosthetic with AI assistance
Decided to AFK a Basilisk task on my iPad and this happened… (still after the head drop)
How rare is this?
Why is m61 so awful *zeroed out front and back lvl 4 plates*
Hey gamers of Syria
I have no idea what those guys were up to but im sure they had fun while at it