Fenx and Lumi were teased months ago
What do you think is the best Ranked mode?
What if Gus' hypercharge could travel through walls and give a decaying shield on impact?
the colt favoritism has gone too far supercell >:(
Things you can say about Brawl Stars but not your girlfriend
Do you agree with this dude?
Which of these two will be more fun to play?
I think ima just quit bro I can never get out of diamond ever and none of my irl friends play this game so I can only play with randoms
we need more clancy skins
What does this do? (Wrong answers only). Part 2.
Let me present to you: the worst randoms you can get in ranked.
Who thought free brawlers was a good Idea when they don’t event know how to play them
What do these dots mean?
Anybody notice this?
We're cooked.
big ass head
He never leaves
Lore wise, who would be the strongest?
Just saw this meme in a comment section
This is clearly a tf2 referance, why hasn't anyone pointed it out?
Rip fancy Kairos
My randoms are going to hell with this one
brawl stars on vr
It was real, the ranked pass
Why the fck this rule should even exist?