OpenStreetMap introduction
List of OpenStreetMap-based tools and services
Dresden hat den einzigen rotierenden unterirdischen Siphon der Welt. Rohrdurchmesser 1,2m und 5,5 m unter den Kleingärten Leubens werden durch Drehungen Überschwemmungen verhindert, indem er bei starkem Regen 1 500 m³ Stauraum schafft und eine nächtliche Reinigung ermöglicht.
In meiner Freizeit sammle ich draußen gerne Müll - AmA
Rotating underground siphon protects Dresden sewers. 1,2m in diameter, this pipe sits 5.5m below allotment gardens, using a 2.2kW motor to turn and prevent flooding by creating 1,500m³ of storage during heavy rain while providing nightly cleaning
Friend from research sent this: Wear protection welded onto gray cast iron without pre-heating
IGUS Bike aus recyceltem Kunststoff
Warum kann man in Kroatien nicht auf Eis ausrutschen?
These two pictures are taken exactly one month apart in 1985, across two Deutschland.
Chimney demolition in Eisenberg
Diesellok 107018 in Gotha
Incredibly satisfying - peeling back the PLA interface layer on my PETG print
3D-printed topographic map of a small village in Germany, 40x40cm, 6x6km in real life
A gift for my mom. 3D printed map of her new village. 40x40 cm, 6x6km in real life. Location strongly connected to the star in background
My adapter USB-C to Lenovo Slim tip works like a charm on my X1 Carbon Gen4.
Outer Perimeter Slower Despite same speed setting
Pure Nostalgie.
Metal 3D printed hook for my kids swing
Our companies Ultimaker S5 decided to behead itself today.
OpenStreetMap websites/apps to share
Nach 11 Jahren hat mein Kompressor einen Griff verloren
Loch im deutschen Schienennetz
Neue Carolabrücke im musealen Gewand
I saw this tall white structure piercing through the clouds on my flight from LGA to CLT, it was on the right side of the plane. I am thinking it’s a tall factory chimney somewhere in northern NC or VA.
3D Printed Molds from PLA