I made a script for ChatGPT to show a proper audio player when using "Read Aloud". Just copy the code in src/content-script.js (it's ready to go)
OpenAI was taking so long to add a feature I needed, that I went ahead and made it myself: better audio controls for the "Read Aloud" feature (open source)
How do you live your life now knowing that singularity is near?
Newly released movies
If llms are trained on internet text, why don’t they make grammatical errors and misspellings?
How is this Website so fast!?
Where can we see a list of all the BIOS updates ever released and what each one fixed?
Me waiting for Chrome Web Store team to approve my extension update
[PSA] Remember this before traveling: Legion laptops won't charge nor boot from 0% battery when trying to charge via USB-PD
ChatGPT's "Read aloud" feature only has a Play/Stop button, so I made a chrome extension that shows an audio player while listening. Open source. Link in the comments
Is There a Way to See Upcoming Streaming Releases?
torrent galaxy down again
I designed a super minimal file explorer for Windows, with vertical and horizontal tabs
My experience with Tauri vs Neutralino
Potentially Separate the Upcoming Movies into Upcoming in Theaters and Upcoming on Digital
Torrents Galaxy/New Movies
How can I combine two File Explorer windows into one without using drag and drop?
Improve the icon?
How do you keep up with new movie releases?
Temperature monitoring (in Windows) of NVMe SSDs in USB enclosures
Torrent Galaxy is down again
How Shopping Malls Are Being Transformed Into Apartments In The U.S.
Is it possible to put ratings on movies?
I created a Vuniper theme for Metacritic, so that you can discover Movies, Shows and Games using their site, but with the style of Vuniper